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Nth special about me..juz a normal girl..which hope there is a space for her to express her feelings...
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Wednesday, 24 December 2008


这几天很忙,很累。。因为参加了中学St. John的division camp。已经几年没回去了,这次特别多回忆。。不断的浮现在脑海里。。看见junior们,就像看见以前的自己,也参加了这样的露营,也和一大班AJK办过酱的camp。这次他们的camp都算是蛮成功的,当然这少不了他们的seniors,也就是ex-AJK的帮忙 --〉Ah Teh 和 Wai Ming。他们一直在这班小伙子筹备的当时,就不断的给于协助,我呢,就只在camp的当天,这四天三夜里,帮忙拍照,参与游戏,和一些打扫工作。。。但这几天真的带给我很多的快乐,仿佛我又年轻了,回到中学时。。


camp最好玩的游戏,莫过于Blizard War Game。。亏Ah Teh想到这个游戏,真的非常刺激,好玩,可是真得很累,因为就真的像打仗那样,我们ex-AJK与AJK联手,要打败members。。他们也有联盟,五组一起攻打我们。而我们就要一边防守我们的base,看好人质,同时也要出去找机会捉更多的人质。。。而且我们玩面粉和水,真的是有够肮脏。。。清洗工作也很艰难。。。某人说,“50kg的面粉就可以把学校毁掉!”哈哈。。。

不知是不是很久没玩这种游戏,特别容易累,也特别easy受伤。。。除了打仗,之前我还玩physical test,很够力的累。。而且同一天还拔河,真的像整个人都散了。。腰酸背痛。。。不过,这次的拔河比赛,是我最卖力拔的一次哦,还是很开心,虽然弄伤一点。。。

总之,这个camp真的不错。。。它叫“雪。欢。季”。。。这次camp fire时的dance,也蛮好跳的,可能因为我喜欢Jay的音乐吧。。我就是很想跳。。

Summary: - This camp gave me lots of fun and memory...Thanks!!!

Thursday, 4 December 2008



而且,今天还发生了一件趣事!其中一位与我partner的朋友,他的裤子破了。。不是笑他的裤子破了,而是那个情形。。原本球还在打着的,我也应该接到那往我方向飞来的羽球,可是突然我听到他喊,“爆了!”我就傻傻的站在那不接球,顿时停住了。。。对手Teck Cheong还问我,“你干嘛不打?”我说,“他喊爆了!”我们都不知道什么事,结果他说,“是我的裤子爆了。。”吓到我,还以为什么爆了,原来是这样,我们就一起大笑。。哈哈!!!


Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Disappointed with tiredness...

This few days very hardworking looking for jobs, went to interviews...but all still have to wait...don't know whether how was the result...but seems like...aih...!!!

TIRED and WASTE my transportation fees going to KL...I know have to face this before I get job, and I have to be patient..but..AT LEAST, give me some feedback or tips, when will I found my job? or whether I have the chance to success in the interview?!!! I don't know about how was my interviews going so far, may be very sucks...very bad...that's why until now oso haven't found one...

I don't dare to think so much after interview, I also don't wana put much expectation on every interview, because the bigger expectation, the bigger disappointed I might get...Losing confidence again...Like last time, I thought the interview was going fine, everything seems like ok, but until now, I haven't get the call from that company...I don't know why...I was thinking is it because of my expected salary too high? and now the economy like this..??

However, I cannot get the job that is too low salary, I will not afford to pay back my loan and cover my other expenses...when I think of money, I am so frustrated about it..everythings money...and I actually wanna make my hair become curly de...but..have to wait lor...

Where is my lucky star???